Sunday 16 June 2024

Trapped nerve lament


To whoever it is

That holds within

their mitts

A figurine of me,

raggedy and torn to bits.

Could you

please refrain

from sticking

those needles in,


I'm wracked with pain.

Why the stabbing

again, and again?

What did I do

to deserve this?

What is the purpose?


Please, I beg,

could you stop.

Snapping the arms

and cracking its back,

this punishment seems

over the top

Could you treat it

a little kinder please?

I would be forever grateful

if you resit breaking its knees.


Woah shit

did you dunk it

in thick cement.

All seized up,

my joints are frozen.

Why have you chosen

to restrict my motion?

I was only dozing.

I lament

I’m stuck, just embracing

what may await,

Screaming in uppercase

from this bed, my final resting place.


Whomsoever created

The voodoo doll of me,

please I beg, release me

from this pain. The agony

beyond mere human speech.

The only way I can describe it

is through some

ancient hellish screech.

Those pins don't need

to be pushed in,

I'm not sure what sins

I'm being tried for

did I release too much poetry?

Bore you to tears?

Or deliver a line

that you found wooden.

Splintering your ears.


 What did I do? what is the reason?

Was I some tyrannical leader

in a past life?

Making Hitler look saintly

in comparison.

A bastard that caused strife,

a murderer or criminal,

only purpose to end life.

Someone of power? Was I a politician,

who made the people cower?

Did a past me

lock innocent people

in a tower?

Because this punishment

is seemingly endless

and it's getting worse

every hour.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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