Monday 11 March 2024

A murder of self


Many little murders.

Crows picking at my bones.

Self-sacrifices to higher powers,

martyr to an unworthy throne.

Changing every piece of me,

a little at a time.

To fit the fantasy you created

for me to walk alone.


Rebirth, death of the host.

Does that just make me a lost ghost?

Spectre in a spectrum of shifting worlds.

Where I am not me,

just a vague me-shaped

lump of plasticine.

A replacement duplicate.

A blank slate, to fill

with your rivers of self-hate.


Myriad slivers of what was me,

now just pieces of meat

to feed the beasts. Feast

I say on what was once me.

Feast, and choke on the tough skin

you tore free.

For now, I no longer feel the cut

of your blade sharp tongue, I no longer feel

the touch of your sharpened nails.

That pain has set sail.


Self-destruction, complete,

but is it true self destruction

If you

Have your hand on the trigger

and I'm begging and pleading

to cease the oncoming explosion.

But now I've shed that skin,

the timid shell I wore, it soaked in

every curse you swore.

Now instead I soar, I let myself be.

Because destroying the old,

only revealed the real me.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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