Sunday 10 March 2024

murmurs across universal tides



Shadow words

following on from long

after the words have gone.

Letters that still float

on the slipstream

that previous words leave.


I love you.

These words still haunt the otherwhere..

Spoken when things were clear,

before the storm shattered

the glassy air.

Gaseous word vapour

from yesteryear.


Words we should

have kept chained,

tightly tied,

gripped around our hearts.

in a locket.

The boat was sailing well

We shouldn't have rocked it.

we shouln't have even departed

that shoreside tide.



Shadow words.

Let those words slip.

Don't let them rip a hole

in your already worn heart.

Don't let regret, or fear stop your stride.

Find your step, and dance with pride.

Those echoed words would be around,

If you had kept them within,

only inside, they would have

screamed and cried.

Now instread they have

the whole universe

in which to reside.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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