Monday 11 March 2024

Torn pages free week


For this week only 

(Monday 11th March to Friday 15th March)

"Torn Pages: Scraps of midnight"

will be free  to download and own forever 

from Amazon. So don't waste any time,

 get over there and download now.


Torn Pages is a collection I am really proud of, 

it is filled with poems that are only

contained within its covers. 

It touchs a wide range of themes, tones, styles

and is one of my most diverse collections to date.

Filled with Love, hurt, pain, joy, depression, anxiety, 

loss, horror, fear, humour and much more

Realistic Poetry International had this to say...

" Torn Pages Scraps of Midnight is absolutely a beautiful piece of work. 

It's a dreamy, enchanting exploration into a broken world. The poems 

draw you in and you feel like you are a part of the journey.

Kyle amazes us once again! Any poet this consistent 

with their skills is destined for greatness!"

Experience the soulful power of Kyle Coare's poetry collection 

and journey into the depths of life's emotion through his heartfelt words. 

Feel pain, love, hope and even learn to accept yourself 

with this honest & raw collection of poems. Let these pages become 

your silent companion as you discover healing and acceptance with every line."


So please 

grab a copy, enjoy, leave a review 

(can literally just be one word)

It would really help me

 and I hope you would enjoy the poetry.


You can find all of my socials, books, 

and videos here




Peace, Love & Poetry


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