Friday 8 March 2024

International women's day.


Let’s address the balance.

It shouldn't have to be

International women's day.

As if women

only matter today.

Their rights only exist

for this one special day.

They shouldn't have

died for their cause,

Or been kept always

on the bottom floors,

As if a woman's hand is only capable

of doing household chores.

They deserve the earth

and it's applause.

When us men are too focused

on creating

hurt and causing wars.


Without women this world

would flatline.

Its vital signs would cease.

heartbeat decline

its breath

would stop

in a single gasp

and the future would run away

in retreat.


The mothers giving guidance,

the advice we rely on.

Where would we be without?

Well firstly

an empty planet.

of that there

is zero doubt

but so much more than that

equality should just be a fact

and knowing that it isn't,

really is a travesty.

Rights need to be shared equally,

But men need to stand together

and demand change,

and this won't be easy for some

But it's the only way my friends,

We have had the world bent in our favour

For too long. So now it's time

to flatten that curved path

Straighten the graph.


Women have strength

that us men can only mimic,

we don't carry life within us,

we don't feed nor nourish

and all the while still flourish.

Women have love, in abundance,

a bountiful river flowing,

without them we would be redundant.

Women are powerful and brave,

they don't need us acting

like white knights to save.

We need to stop thinking

it's them and us,

Division in all walks of life

needs to be given the push.

Embrace the equality

Be the one that sees this

is what we need

to make us human.




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