Wednesday 13 March 2024

Poetic outlaw - Realistic poetry international review



Kyle Coare's latest poetry collection, "Poetic Outlaw,"

is a compelling exploration of the raw and unfiltered emotions inherent 

in the human experience. With finesse and skill unique to this poet, 

Coare delves into life's complexities, offering readers a fearless voice 

that navigates the depths of the soul.

What sets Coare's poetry apart 

is its unapologetic honesty. Each piece serves as a window into the author's 

innermost being, with no subject deemed taboo. 

From love and heartbreak to societal injustices and personal struggles, 

Coare confronts them all with a raw intensity that resonates deeply.


Realistic Poetry International found themselves profoundly 

moved by several poems within "Poetic Outlaw," urging readers 

to explore the collection and discover their own favourites. 

"Curse of the Lonesome Poet" 

captures the agony of isolation and the longing for connection, 

evoking empathy through its raw portrayal of inner turmoil. 

"Watching through Closed Eyes" 

offers a haunting glimpse into the subconscious mind, 

delving into the realm of dreams and nightmares with chilling intensity. 

"On the Road to War" 

confronts the harsh realities of conflict and the importance of individual resistance, 

prompting readers to question authority and uphold what is just. 

"Paint the World" 

provides a poignant reflection on perception and the overlooked beauty 

beneath the surface. Each poem within "Poetic Outlaw" carries its weight 

and significance, inviting readers on a journey 

of self-discovery and contemplation.

Coare's language is vivid and evocative, painting pictures 

and eliciting strong emotions with each word. 

His ability to capture the essence of a moment 

or emotion is both relatable and deeply moving.


As a seasoned poet, 

Coare excels in storytelling, drawing readers into his narratives 

and leaving them yearning for more

as they traverse the pages of his book.

The collection's structure is masterful, 

with a stark contrast between poems that 

is both compelling and captivating. 

In "A Poet’s Word," 

Coare eloquently encapsulates the power 

and significance of poetry, 

while "The Gaps Between Minutes" 

explores the passage of time 

with haunting elegance. 

"Blood on Our Hands" 

tackles societal and political issues with a raw, 

unfiltered perspective, 

while "Poetic Outlaw" 

portrays the poet as a bold hero 

challenging authority.


In conclusion, "Poetic Outlaw" is a powerful 

and thought-provoking collection that showcases 

Kyle Coare's talent as a poet. With its unflinching honesty, 

vivid imagery, and masterful storytelling, this book is bound 

to leave a lasting impression on its readers.

Realistic Poetry International highly 

recommends "Poetic Outlaw" to poetry lovers everywhere. 

It is a must-read for anyone seeking poetry that speaks to the heart 

and soul of the human experience.

We also urge you to explore Coare's entire collection 

of books, each one a testament 

to his unique talent and passion for poetry.

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