Saturday 2 March 2024

Hors d’oeuvres for the worms


The fleeting time we get

seems too shy to share.

When we know that our

words alone would fill 

a thousand times over

that small amount of air.

All we need to say would

spill over the sides. A bathtub

can't contain our tears, an ocean

could try, but it would be just

a glimpse. at those reflective tears

below the skins surface.

All too much to share.


The old cigarette burnt

blanket of anguish,

under which we languish,

too afraid to witness the light,

showing the cracks

that have worn into our faces.

Cut down into bite-sized tasters

of what was once a life,

now just hors d’oeuvres

for the worms.

As we mourn

each and every

passing day,

like a procession of funerals

all marching our way.


The big, vast spaces of the clock.

The echoing caverns between every tick

and every tock, are still not enough.

The words rang out so true,

but there was always

a barrier of time

in all we ever did

or could ever do.

So, we try, to cram so much in.

Every thought splitting

lips as we recount them,

every insight we bite down

but they break through teeth of glass.

Every word shatters the splintered air.

Until we have poured a half

of our emotion out there.

But the other half

has already started to refill

the empty space left with all new

thoughts to spill.


Was it all that we just become

trinkets of special days.

Fridge magnets of get aways.

Cheap displays of where

we spent a heap of money

escaping reality.

Just pieces in some vast cosmic game.

Instead of spending time

making memories, we focused on what ifs

and unfulfilled promises.

So much of who we are,

is now down to what we wear,

The things we buy.

Not those brittle brilliant lights

that we burn upon sullen painfull skies.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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