Friday 22 March 2024

Train of thought


My life needs a lift.

Not the sort that rises

through the floors

before rushing back down,

opening its doors, forcing me out,

leaving me as low as before.

I need a lift that goes up,

then takes right angles.

Letting me sit beside angels

as they show me the beauty

in a flowing tree, show me the symmetry

of magic and mystery, show me the future, 

the past wrapped in bows of history

and the gift-boxed present

that ties together my story.


I need an escalator

to transport my moods,

as they grind and churn,

like the gears working

this brain of mine.

So, I can keep going

through my days. Even the ones

where the sun’s rays

don't make my smile shine,

and the moon beams

don't enlighten my dreams,

just leave me sleep blind.


I need to ride

a different train of thought.

One that never travels down

to the earth's burning core.

Never takes the fire pit mine-cart trip

through the dark.

See it take me instead

to seas of destiny, a seabed island fantasy.

Where forever is tethered, a shipwreck 

with treasures buried.

A destination I long to see.

Where the waves part for us

and we can walk into mountains

of liquid words. Your voice, poetry

speaking to mine.




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to check out my new book "Poetic Outlaw"

available from Amazon

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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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