Wednesday 20 March 2024

Imaginary shadows


A baby boy screams his first

and like a dam has burst

this room could fill.

Tears of the parents

and those infant 

fears from him.

born under new moon,

this world, a new womb to swim within,

As the calander dances

pages fall. Leaves

on a linoleum 

kitchen floor.

The boy advances.

Slowly. Reading age low.

Attention span 

somewhere off chasing

imaginary shadows.


But nobody notices.

The need to be seen

To be heard,

to be anything.

Nobody notices him.

So, he slinks Inside,

a wet dog,

dripping from 

rainy weather life.

Shakes loose

all this noise he seems

to constantly issue,

and sits silent.

Observing those imaginary

shadows gaining ground.


A recluse in a crowded room,

no use he thinks.

I'm not like you. I don’t conform

or fit your view.

If I draw attention, I get beaten

and abused, if I squeal, I get twice

as much in return.

So, he plods though. Doing what

he is supposed to.

No one seeing

the way he glances outside

at those shadows dancing.

His only true friends,

those shady playthings.


As the hellhole

of forced education

fades slowly

into the distance.

The prison of imagination,

where thought

is a worldview

that is not deemed saleable.

So, he pulls down the masts,

breaks apart the boat

that would take him far,

deemed to be not worthwhile.

You are factory fodder

so just stay in line

they say, as you watch

the shadows drift into tomorrow.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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