Thursday 7 March 2024



I didn't ever want you to leave,

but it was too hard for us to stay.

My heart is a broken mirror,

my life the shards

of bad luck.

You are the hammer that struck,

and yet I didn't want you to go,

but you made me feel

my life flowing away.

You made me doubt,

when I know myself inside out.

You made me question my intentions,

when I knew I wasn’t

after any outside interventions.

You made me feel

constantly on trial,

When my only crime

was to be myself

once in a while.


I didn't want it to end,

I never wanted those

arguments to descend,

nut I never asked for you

to bend my good thoughts,

ensnaring them

into the mesh

in which they were caught.

My eyes never looked elsewhere,

my heart

was a fish trapped in your

net of distrust.

All I ever wanted

was what was there,

but the once steel boat

on which we sailed

had started to fatally rust.


See here's the thing

you never loved me.

I get that now.

you loved the me that you

thought you could mould me to be.

It was all just a ripple on an ocean,

a wave on a sea,

a moment of beauty,

that crashed into the waters beneath.

You loved what you wanted me to be,

but that was a suit

that didn't fit the body.

I never regret. Life is too short,

and through the hurt there

where lots of laughs, lots of love.

Just incompatible.

My heart was a screw

and you were a hammer,

I was toothpaste,

you an orange juice slammer.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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