Sunday 31 March 2024

Artists of the atmosphere


Let us be artists

of the atmosphere.

Dancing spheres,


in a cosmos of stars.

Seers of forever

where fallen dreams

litter the shallow seas,

where humanity

forgot about you and me.

Let us not be uncertain,

let us not fear.

For in the eyes of love

we sit here.


Let us draw pictures

in naked dreams.

Scrawling images

over vast ethereal ages.

Our drenched skin pages.

Let us paint angels

in lakes

of clear reflection.

Water colour splashing,

slow flowing scenes,

Ignore the lines,

just paint the serene.

Soak the tainted

pages between.


Let us show another route.

A pathway to truth, between the vines.

Let us coat the earth with colour.

Ignoring the border lines,

share the view from the stars.

A sprawling marble,


in the glancing sunlight cover,

speckled over with

green sprouting roots

of peace

branching trees

of love,

reaching out to the blue sea

of hope.

Throw the planet a safety rope

from our world in the clouds.

and speak our words out loud

to share our harmony all around. 



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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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