Wednesday 27 March 2024

Snow dust dreams.


I don't care

if you bury me,

or burn my body

on an open sea.

Send my ashes

into the

whispering breeze.

I'll already

be there, sailing

on every story I leave.

Those weaved threads,

a tapestry of you and me.


When my time

ticks its final

creaking tock,

and the clock

sighs to a grinding stop.

Don't mourn.

Smile and remember

when my smile was worn.

When the laughter

was true.

These memories, the warmth

my everlasting

gift to you.


I won't be

in my body.

I'll be in the stars,

in the air,

the songs

whistling between

the trees.

I'll be gone,

but still so near.

In your heart's

scented blossom,

where we once adored

our dreams, floating across them.

So dont weep a dropped shed tear

share instead good cheer.

I'll be dancing

amongst the atoms,

the snow dust dreams.

Where fear

is not around anymore,

just a wonderland

for you and I to explore.



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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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