Tuesday 26 March 2024

Only lone atoms in a vast universe


I awaken

at a godforsaken

hour. My brain aching

from all the avalanching words

shaking, trying to shower out.

Trying to evade the

branching stories reach,

I can't stop turning,

a deluge rain

falls suddenly.

Hopefully it will cease

my sullen brain

from burning.


This island cursed

with the worn-out remnants

of torn word cloud bursts.

Not yet ready to be traversed,

these words

have been submerged,

in the dark for days.

Kept, trapped, held back, kidnapped, 

backed up,

now unearthed.

they regurgitate,

trying to vomit out.

Wanting to erupt,

a rainbow

of thoughts,

worries and doubts

in which to become immersed.


Even though

sleep is needed,

I need to write

these seedlings down

before they fade onto dust,

like a cluster bomb blast

bursts across your mind.

Thoughts unravel,

drop like heavy shrapnel,

or a cartoon anvil.

You have to scrabble

around to catch the pieces

before they disperse,

and the images disappear

out of your reach.


only lone atoms

in a vast universe.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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