Thursday 21 March 2024

Become one with the words


Become one

with the words

you exhale.

Tell your tale. Your voice,

let it sail.

A ship full

of every word

you have ever collected.

Recollections of memories,

sift through the grains.

Feed them to the metaphors

that travel with you.


As it courses

across mind oceans,

pick up frail scattered emotions.

Let them mingle

on board as we drift

over the inky waves.

Feel that tingle.

as a vivid image

springs into being.

A new passenger

on this sea of life,

and that beautiful bird

has already started singing.


Traversing these waters,

a journey into

a future of understanding.

No more standing 

in the dark feeling

the freezing rain

slashing across your face.

Instead let the words

make your heart race.

Let the universe

speak through you.

Become a conduit

to the energy that

encircles everything.

Let your verses spring

into existence,

as we see new lands

to explore in the distance.

Enticing more words

into our ship

for later assistance.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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