Monday 4 March 2024

Clouds of sadness


A cloud of sadness

floats menacingly

over the greying sky.

A raindrop of dismay,

forms in the corner

of my eye,


like a stone

hitting the walls of my heart,

formed from decaying clay

somewhere halfway

down the body of light

gone astray.


The wrinkled lips

turn downward,

from promise

to grimace,


of blown kisses


sweep over these

tear-misted eyes.

A strangled sound

in the throat.

A cry, dies

as it enters the air.

What's the point? It thinks

Who would ever care?


The body sags,

sprightly man becomes

a shopping bag.

Haggard, bent double

in the pouring rain.

Over weighed

with too much pain.

It starts to split

and litter the pavements,

containers smashing

and leaking hurt 

down the thirsty drains.


The clouds begin to part.

The light cast down,

refills the depleted heart.

The beating restarts.

Just a feint rhythm but a glimmer,

as the sun shines rivers.

He reclaims

his scattered emotions

and remembers

seagulls and calming oceans.




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