Friday 12 July 2024

Colouring book world


I sometimes worry

that I've used up all

of the shreds of happiness

I had been granted.

That all the trees I planted

with seeds of hope

were washed away

in the floods of tears I cried.


I worry that my dreams

will betray me. Leaving me

with only nightmares of times

when I'd say things were okay,

lying through my teeth,

whilst the pain inside ate away

at any scrap of fortitude,

I'd built up against the demons

of the loud obnoxious kind.

That rattled away at the solitude

of own rotten ramshackle mind.

Seeped in visions that terrify me.


I worry that love

has deserted me.

That I'm the

unseen, unheard words

floating in a turbulent sea,

on some planet

thousands of light years away.

Destined to be searching

across the oceans of eternity

for something

that is forever going

to elude me.


It’s a daily battle

collecting these thoughts

like smashed shards

of a broken bottle.

Shattered glass hearts,

scattered across carpets of dust,

but sweep them up

I must.


I coat each piece

in glittery paint.

Stick them together again,

Reframed into a stained

glass window,

through which I can look over.

A colouring book world,

imbuing my view

with sweeter hues.

Colouring my view

a little brighter

with pictures of you.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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