Saturday 13 July 2024

Darkness clouds


The crooked lady leers

from the dark end of the street.


head to stumbling feet

in black.

A shadow cast

against a sky so dark.

Mumbles under breath.

Is it a threat, a bark

bringing forth death?

I stand so near,

another step

and the world

could end, I fear.


The lady nears,

her mumbled words



Under the moonlight,

Is she the vision

that visits

my bad dreams

at night?

Is she the scream

caught tight

in my throat?

When the duvet

is my only respite.

I want to run in fright.

I want to hide from sight,

but to turn and flee

would be turning my back,

meaning I can't see

the fate awaiting me.

Stalking me, hunting me.


The lady I fear, closes the gaps

in momentary skips, like a rabbit

from the traps. A hare letting rip.

As the hounds bay for blood,

I don't feel too good.

I'm woozy, fear making me feint.

I swoop, like a brick, not very subtly,

a crumpled mess reacquainting

myself with the floor.

A foot stands in front.

I close my eyes knowing

that this is the end for sure.


The lady in black,

holds out her delicate

ink stained hand,

to grasp, to guide.

She speaks softly, kindly.

Her words airy poetry,

they flow far and wide.

She whispers

sweetly to the air,

a dancing refrain, to ease my pain.

Then I realise, we are not so different.

Not quite the same, but she is just

taking in the night, basking

in the light of the moon,

letting words flow through

to place them tight

in her notepad to bring back to life,

when the sun reawakens and day arrives.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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