Friday 19 July 2024

The personification of star-filled nights


Starry night.

Streetlights try

to compete with

the skies illuminating shine.

Together trying

to put daylight to shame.

Darkness dreams

of tying together

the strands of time.

The dusty days in between,

the lusty nights

and the moonshine beams.


Starry nights I wish you knew

that the personification of you

walks through the dreams I view.

And she walks in perfection

A slice taken out of heaven,

a bread roll that has

been left to leaven,

rising above all others around.

A glow

like the moon beaming down,

and when she doesn't visit,

the dreams become leaden, stale and slow,

crumbs coating the bedsheets of time.

Dusty remnants 

that make sleep disappear

somewhere down the line.


Starry night, I wish upon you.

Let those shooting stars fly,

Though I only ask for four.

Peace,love, poetry,

and for you to always

be there at my door.

Starry nights

I want to soar on the meteors

that you grant us privilege to witness.

So, I can look down always,

to glance the woman of my dreams.

To make sure

she is safe from harm,

to watch the horizon in the distance,

to see the shining sun

breach the dark blue,

then plant me down on a beach

within arm’s reach,

of the beauty I view.




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