Tuesday 9 July 2024



Deadlines loom,

words awaiting internment.

Confined to coffins

in paper lined tombs.

Tomes that go unviewed.

Confiding their stories to no one,

lost on the echo of a silent moon.

Still deadlines loom.

Letter queues quietly, quizzically, questioning

this vapour fate. Solitary awaits

where dead words lay in state.


Unreal rhythmic funereal songs.

Hymns mournfully sung.

The deadlines seemed so long,

until you reach closer to the end.

Then you can feel them closing in,

like the pages of an empty book

being slammed violently shut.

Put up with it, don't shout or swear.

You are live on air,

the tannoy’s piercingly blare,

slicing the spaces left empty

between the ears.


Those deadlines snake into the depths.

Places built on self-hate and neglect,

poisoned air

with the stench of misguided regret.

Words ripped from every pained grimace,

every strained smile,

when all you wanted was to cry.

There is no rush, to rip them apart.

Take your time unpicking

each shard from your pierced heart.

Those deadlines won't go anywhere.


Self-imposed deadlines haunting.

The moans and groans echo, taunting.

Chains rattle, startling

the sparkling train of thought inside,

disrupting the ride,

leaving them cowering at the trackside.

Your own ghosts marching in time

to the chaotic beat

of your own wretched mind.

Trying to find answers,

when no questions align.


Take each step, with a skip.

Let every emotion drip

like rain over you. Soak in it.

Then laugh when they try to

send you down

those slippery stone steps.

You've walked through hell,

and any depths are nothing

compared to those fire filled pits.




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of "Poetic Outlaw" 

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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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