Saturday 13 July 2024

Dreams in neon lights


I see music in colour.

I see my dreams

in neon lights.

I see words glowing,

free and bright,

but sometimes a greyness

washes over me.

I see greyscale

stains on everything,

like looking through windows

with rivulets of rain,

each a shaded blend of grey,

like death painted

upon a windowpane.


I see vivid colours

when the sound system

of my dreams

plays songs singing

a love stream,

but I see red stains,

when sloping

staircases of nightmares,

stop my accent.

When groping hands grab for me,

causing me to scream.

I lament, in deepened greens and reds,

then the colour fades to grey,

as I'm fully consumed with dread.


I see multicolour


when words tease

and play. When they dance,

I see all the colours of day,

but when they sway and fall

I see no colour at all.

Just the darkening

shades of grey

that befall.


I see in you

a rainbow,

blindingly true,

but I can't

close my eyes,

for if I do,

you may fade away.

Draining into the blue.

So, I just let the colour

forever stain

everything I view.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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