Saturday 21 October 2023

Imposter syndrome


There is someone that lives 

deep within my skin.

Piercing through when I'm subdued,

they let rivers of words flow in.

It's unreal sometimes,

the way they produce

worlds I can't imagine,

places I can barely fathom.

They make words sing,

when I struggle to even get

a sentence to begin.


They come when I'm drained.

When my energy has left,

rearranging my thinking.

when my eyes start to droop,

And my will is sinking.

It's like a bird swoops down,

filling the air with tuneful words.

I know not where they come from

nor whether they will suddenly end,

but reality has started to blend

or maybe I'm morphing into him.

The words have started to come

from somewhere else within.


There is someone

that sits in my seat

when I'm asleep,

like a ghost

or phantom

that walks

the night-time beat.

They take unfulfilled thoughts

and contort them, until the unformed

symbols mean something more uniform.


Have I been possessed?

Do I need an exorcist?

Or do I just accept this being

that takes over when I'm feeling

I'm no use. It seems to be trying

to show me the right path.

Maybe best to let it be.

As I become him, he becomes me, 

we become one, a being of unity.  

So, I let it keep wearing me.

and see where the words will lead.



Thanks for reading

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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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