Tuesday 24 October 2023

Masterpiece of distraction


Sometimes things

don't go along with

some grand masterplan.

Your mind will fling

some crumbs to feed

your imagination,

creating a masterpiece

of distraction,

but once you brush

your hands across

the surface, it scatters,

dust in a streetlight.

A dream shatters in the night.


My mind knows my dreams.

So, it dangles them, 


That beauty,

so close to me.

Merely feet apart.

Those places

I wish to be,

deep in her heart.

Then as you get close,

it all fades and shimmers

A ripple on a river.

A shadow across

a misted mirror.


The mind sometimes

shows us a masterclass

on how to paint a picture.

On how to imagine your dreams

painted into the very air.

It makes visions

seen on paper

Seem strange and outdated.

The mind plays games with you.

It likes to show you a possible path,

then blocks the route.

Leaves you standing,

staring into the could haves,

by the side of a road,

but the constant noisy traffic

making it a never was,

that your thoughts can never cross.

a shadow in a blocked off underpass.


The mind is cruel,

making you feel,

when feeling

is not ideal.

When looking one way

could leave you missing

the bus traveling

the other.

The mind is a bad partner,

creating a sense of


and torture.

When you look deep

into the eyes of forever,

and realise

those eyes

are gazing elsewhere.



Thanks for reading

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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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