Wednesday 25 October 2023

Too much


It's getting too much,

only so many tears can rush,

before the pain makes

my face too sore to touch.

But I'd rather that pain,

than a world consumed by flames,

a pain so many children are enduring,

instead of enjoying playground games.


Warfare is unfair, a cruel, bloody,

hateful affair, and over there

people unleash it daily from the air.

Innocent children left mourning

the death of innocence. Bleeding into the stones.


And we condone this,

say it is a rightful fight,

You have a right to defend,

but genocide is no defence.

There is no defence. 

This is an offense against humanity.

We need to stand tall.

Our leaders need to hear our call,

but they are too busy 

trying to divide us all.


Media ties. Outright lies,

printed in black and white.

Paint victims as aggressors,

taint prisoners as oppressors.

All the while war crimes are ignored,

our government is flawed.

 Worried that some stones may be thrown

whilst phosphorus burns into children's bones.

Or worried that you will be knocked

from your gold-plated throne?


So, our leaders condone.

Whilst us the people say this is all wrong,

but they don't listen to the masses,

when all is said and done.

The only fight we should be having

is the fight for peace. so put down the guns please,

stop hate speach, the only route to peace, is verbally.

All gunfire and rockets need to cease,

or we just become monsters,

those mythical beasts.



Thanks for reading

Peace, Love & Poetry 


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