Wednesday 25 October 2023

Mist in the rain


In the overgrown church yard

a lone sunflower grows,

giving an orange glow

to the grey headstones.

Left to fade in the rains

of so many unmarked days.

Names no longer visible,

just a barely discernible

stone silhouette,

amongst the grass forest

that towers around.


And the visitor


She sits, beside.

Weeping. Through foggy eyes.

Only noticeable

when the moon sits high,

when you turn your head to the side,

just a flicker of her faded figure

stains your mind.

A shift in the light,

you may think,

a trick of the mind.

A shadow forsaken,

but her face

cannot be mistaken.


She sits. Patient as a tree,

taking its time to grow high,

no rush, for it knows it will

one day reach the sky.

She sits,

wishing to see him

once again,

but it's been centuries.

She has sat in this churchyard cemetery,

and not a glimmer of his smile.

Not a shimmer of those kind eyes.

Just lonely.

under so many changeable skies.




Tonight, the moon sees her,

and casts her light

slightly to the right,

hitting the sunflower

to make it shine bright.

And there beside

the sunflower stands

a man. Waiting.

An eternity waiting.

The grey lady sees his eyes

but he doesn’t see her.

The man shifts

his gaze just enough

for the light

to bring her into view,

after centuries

their story can resume,

his smile

outshines the moon,

they fade together

into the night, like mist in the rain.


Thanks for reading

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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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