Tuesday 3 October 2023

In this season of the ghost


Air scented in cinnamon.

Toffee apple dreams

soon give way

to worn internalised screams.

The sweet air

takes on the sour tang of fear.

Darkness oozes through

as the veil of worlds

is torn in two.


Ghoulish beings riddle

the pumpkin spiced streets.

Too many feet. Sworn to inflict

their beastly rhythms,

to make

unsteady hearts raise a beat.

In this season of the ghost.

Trembling trepidation flows

when the nights are steeped

in moonlights eerie glow

the ghouls raise a toast

and we wade through waves

of nightmare shows.


Following the trail you left yourself,

when you were of sound mind,

when the demons were 

kept hidden behind

the stained glass sky,

and fright night was just

a scary movie not your life.

But now the veil is coming down

and spectres are lurking around.

This all seemed so much more

peaceful by sun light.


And during the late hours

when you swear

the wind is howling in agony,

and shadows

are contorted in wretched screams.

When you fear you will never

see another happy dream.

That's when the veil of worlds

will disappear. A maniacal grin

will plaster the sky 

ear to ear

upon which 

you will look

in fear

through the gloom,

glistening red teeth will loom,

and you will feel 

like the end is near.



Thanks for reading

Endless Nightmares out now

300 pages of horror themed poetic storytelling


Please take a look at my previous collection "Torn Pages"

100+ all new poems not shared here before.


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Peace, Love and Poetry 


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