Sunday 11 June 2023



I love the way

words fall from lips

like acorns

from tall oak trees

and from those words

roots can grow,

flourish into great forests

that we can run through.

I want my words

to touch your ears,

brushing your cheeks

as they drift down

like leaves, listen

to the flowing breeze

with me.



that stretch out


like arms

ready to wrap around me

or point me in the direction

I need to be.

I admire how they

sit so perfectly

and let animals play

over their limbs.

Giving a place

to stay,

for them

to call home

on sad

rain-soaked days.


I love the way

the rain drops flow

through your leaves,

;ike a warm shower

over long hair, 

gleefully splashing me

with a playful spray

that spreads

the love with ease,

like words that fall

at your knees,

and say listen

to my voice,

hold me please.




Thanks for reading

Endless Nightmares out now

300 pages of horror themed poetic storytelliung

Please take a look at my previous collection "Torn Pages"

100+ all new poems not shared here before.

Please follow the link for my books, videos and social media.
Every click, every book purchase, every like helps me to keep doing what I love.
Peace, Love and Poetry 

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