Monday 26 June 2023

Hit the tracks

Take that train.

Don't leave any evidence

that you were here.

Don't leave

a trace,

not a speck of yesterday.

Don't lean in for a kiss.

Don't lean in for a kiss.


If you stop to think

or let those thoughts

touch your lips

you will get caught in a fantasy,

that doesn't really exist.


Hit the tracks

and don't turn back.

Life still goes on

without the hurt

starting to stack.

Say farewell

without a single word,

just a glance behind,

an imaginary wave.

Raise a glass

to love that fades

into the dim lit shadow

of a place you never fit.

Through the shade

of the window seat you sit,

watching as yesterday

becomes a stain

on the story

you have

written on the page.


Take that train.

Never return again

to this place

of misery and bad dreams.

Old mementos,

keep them in a box,

or somewhere

under lock and key.

Don't keep returning

to fading memory.

Don't let its restraints

stop the growth you need.

Don't look back,

at the crumbling city,

don't cry in pity. Just look forward.

Somewhere is a place that rewards.




Thanks for reading

Endless Nightmares out now

300 pages of horror themed poetic storytelling

Please take a look at my previous collection "Torn Pages"

100+ all new poems not shared here before.

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Every click, every book purchase, every like helps me to keep doing what I love.
Peace, Love and Poetry 


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