Saturday 24 June 2023

Apocalyptica: Karaoke


In that single moment

it was like the entire world's

eyes were turned towards her,

as her voice soared

through every atom of the air.

Bouncing from the tables,

reflecting back from glass windows,

which threaten to shatter

at the true beauty of the crescendo.


This is what it felt like to Famine,

for every other set of ears

it was like the sound of a million nails 

being dragged down uncountable chalkboards,

whilst an infinite amount of monkeys

all produced the collective works of Shakespeare 

on the clicking keys of rusty typewriters.

That is to say it was terrible.

A cacophonous racket,

until now unheard of on this earth,

or any of the countless earth-like planets

in the universe.


Deaths ears would have bled if he had them,

As it was, he had a terrible pain 

running through his bones.

He killed the sound system

with a quick scythe swing.

"Thank fuck for that, 

who told her she could sing?"


"It's karaoke, anyone gets a chance."



Death’s eyeholes lit up.

He had always seen himself

as a great bar room crooner.


Death took the mic,

The Blue Oyster Cult

Don't fear the reaper

starts to play through the speakers.

As the voice starts to slither

through the room,

Creeping doom mixed

with grim sounds.

Completely out of tune.

"Arrrggg my ears,

he is killing me"

War said,

head exploding from within.


War turned to the mic.

Something miraculous.

A beautiful, fragile voice


then builds

into rapturous chorus tones.

Blown away,

everybody stands still,

faces wide open, gaping mouths

ears attuned

listening to the vocal skill,

as it pulls you close then

goes for the kill.




Thanks for reading

Endless Nightmares out now

300 pages of horror themed poetic storytelling

Please take a look at my previous collection "Torn Pages"

100+ all new poems not shared here before.

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Peace, Love and Poetry 


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