Saturday 3 June 2023

Crystallised tears


I don't think I can take

another broken heart.

The stolen promise of forever.

The dried-up

crystallised tears

symbolising lies.

We said goodbye

far too many times.

The past

just a vacant meadow

to wander through,

but the beast catches up fast

when the silent future 


it's army against you.


I don't know if I can watch

another heart pack up its bags

and make its way into the unknown.

Sore eyes from hours

crying under moonless skies.

As still as a soulless stone.

Saying goodbye

seems like a stock reply,

but standing by

and ignoring

the non-connecting dialling tone,

would be a slow death

of a heart punctured

and left to face the end alone.


I don't think I can stand waving away

a heart in a taxi back seat,

travelling the opposite direction to me.

I don't think I can watch 

another heart board a train

as I stand,

raining acid from my eyes.

Feeling my life rhythm

beat out of time,

right up into my throat,

until I feel like I'm choking

on my own bleeding heart

and the words it spoke.

Eyes are drowning

from the tears they impart.

My words stutter,

or never even start.

I just can't take another day

where my world is ripped apart.



Thanks for reading

Endless Nightmares out now

300 pages of horror themed poetic storytelliung

Please take a look at my previous collection "Torn Pages"

100+ all new poems not shared here before.

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Peace, Love and Poetry 

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