Tuesday 6 June 2023

Breadcrumb trail


As a younger man

I thought I had the future sussed.

Convinced myself I knew the plan.

The path was set, along it I rushed.

Nothing would cause doubt.

I'd just walk the breadcrumb trail

laid before me.

The yellow brick road

to my destiny.

Then the world dropped

from all around.

I was floating

in an endless void.

all around

different pathways blinked

like the semi-functional

synapses of my mind

and none of them were flashing in sync.


As a younger man I thought I had it all,

no fear of a downfall,

just afraid of how I looked to other people,

not listening to the howling wolves call.

Following the same

rinse and repeat cycle of misery,

day after day.

Not noticing the cracks in the universe

or how it was all going astray.

I had no goal, or ambition,

no mission. Just following

my own short-sighted, double vision.


As a younger man, I feared ridicule

I was constantly worried about looking a fool.

I thought the bottom of a bottle

would provide the answers,

to the mystic riddles.

I lost sight of myself,

I couldn't find me on any maps.

The constant strain of trying to fit

an image that didn't fit,

caused my shell to crack,

my world to snap. 


And into the void I sank.

I drank. I spiralled into a nightmare

where the walls were closing,

the air tasted rank.

The atmosphere dripped

with liquid despair

until I was almost broken beyond repair.

Then a pathway appeared

with multiple branches leading off

in all directions

and a pen landed at my feet,

a notebook leapt into my hand

and I realised my role

in this universal masterplan.





Thanks for reading

Endless Nightmares out now

300 pages of horror themed poetic storytelliung


Please take a look at my previous collection "Torn Pages"

100+ all new poems not shared here before.


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Peace, Love and Poetry 

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