Friday 2 June 2023

Ruminating over life


Ruminating over

the intricate

beauty of life,

I sit

and look

over the hills

of wisdom

that have towered

over time.

When I first started to walk this gravel path,

they were mere bumps in the ground.

I reminisce sometimes

about where the journey began.

What I held, lost, and found.


I stare out

through glistening rivers

as my eyelids grow heavy.

Times currents

wear on me,

the days flow,

achingly fast,

into months.

Then suddenly

years have passed.


Grey hairs assemble

on my head,


the storm clouds

I've stood amongst.

The gravestones

I see ahead.


I don't fear the reaper.

To the soil

I'm not afraid to be sown

or what I am going to be shown.

I fear that eyes

won't see the beauty anymore,

mind won't imagine

any worlds of wonder to explore.

That my heart

won't hold another heart close again

and I'll just stand alone

watching the rain slowly end.




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Endless Nightmares out now

300 pages of horror themed poetic storytelliung

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100+ all new poems not shared here before.

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Peace, Love and Poetry 

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