Friday 16 June 2023

Pathway to the stars


Come and save me

from this overactive mind,

rescue me, let me focus

my energy on some beauty.

I ache inside

with the collective pain

of a million yells, like a hail of knives

falling from the sky to impale.


They rip at each single cell.

Every nerve ending

sings in agony,

at the screeching.

The never-ending brain-eating

sound of my thoughts.

I can't switch off,

I can't stop

the onslaught,

like a gale force wind

in which I'm caught.


Come and take my hand please,

let me focus on the way

your pulse sits in your wrist,

beating faster as we hold tightly

in this enchanting kiss.

Let us listen to the birds playing,

not the voices in our heads

and the words they are saying.


Come and walk with me,

under a moonless sky,

let our thoughts fly,

soaring off across distant tides.

Let us enjoy the ride, this life,

with its many speedbumps and scary sides.

Let us take strides, big and proud,

let the words sing around, take my hand

we will ignore the sounds however loud

and just make the most

of this closeness of hearts,

as we start to embark

on a pathway to the stars.




Thanks for reading

Endless Nightmares out now

300 pages of horror themed poetic storytelliung

Please take a look at my previous collection "Torn Pages"

100+ all new poems not shared here before.

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Peace, Love and Poetry 

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