Wednesday 28 June 2023



I pledge allegiance

to the underdog.

The lost,

the geeks. 

The weirdos and freaks.

I pledge myself

to hearts

that dare to dream.

I sit in the same 

cheap seats.

I pledge allegiance

to these streets,

to shadows

on starlit nights.

I pledge myself

to those hearts that beat

but never know

their own light.

I give myself to all

who feel fear,

The ones 

that want to walk

with a smile

beaming ear to ear

but are too scared

their happiness

could become a sneer.

To the ones 

that live more at night,

The ones that fade

in sunlight,

I give my hand.

We are bound.

A band. 

We hum a collective sound.

So let us speak.

The fear, the bullies

and the ones

that make us feel meek,

let us push them

into last week.





Thanks for reading

Endless Nightmares out now

300 pages of horror themed poetic storytelling

Please take a look at my previous collection "Torn Pages"

100+ all new poems not shared here before.

Please follow the link for my books, videos and social media.
Every click, every book purchase, every like helps me to keep doing what I love.
Peace, Love and Poetry 


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