Wednesday 21 June 2023

Apocalyptica: My kingdom, for a horse


"That's it I'm getting myself a new horse"

Death boomed.

To the depths he clawed,

into the lava filled waiting room,

pressing the bell to get service.


"I'm sorry sir,

this is hell you are not one of ours

you need to go see them upstairs!"


He climbed the staircase

paved in diamond light

Opened the door stepped inside

and felt burning

eyes glaring.

"I'm here about a new horse"


"I'm sorry your lordship,

but we can't be seen to be associating

with skeletal beings,

it doesn't do our image good"


"Erm didn't your boss cause a massive flood?

And what about turning people into pillars of salt,

I just need a horse, to be ready for the coming assault"


"Rules are rules I'm afraid, 

it was in the small print 

one horse, 

you will have to provide your own from now on, 

now could you leave by the back entrance, 

we don't want to chance 

anyone catching a glance"


Death skulked off down the rickety service stairs,

"How am I supposed to do my job,

it’s like no one cares"




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Endless Nightmares out now

300 pages of horror themed poetic storytelling

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Peace, Love and Poetry 

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