Saturday 10 June 2023

Sound of the tunnels


As I turned the corner

you faded onto the night

like the closing doors

of the tube train carriage.

You were

flowing away under

the city,

I was standing



the currents

of train rivers.


Like a bass tuned too deep,

my inaudible weeps

creep and mingle with

the sound of the underground.

Seeping into brittle bones.

I sit beside the tracks,

on the platform throne,

eyes to the ground,

no crown to own.

Nowhere to go.

Just a lone traveller

in a city with nowhere to turn.


Eyes glazed

with salty tears,

blur the vision,

trains smear

 through the dark.

like oil on a canvas,

a work of art.

Colour and texture,

painted onto black.


like the bending

sounds of the tunnels

echoing back.

A dull echo.

A feint hello

or one final goodbye,

who knows?


I wipe away the tear,

remembering the kiss

that brought me here.

Led by dreams,

I let myself blend

into the moonlight

like the bending


of the underground,


through the night.




Thanks for reading

Endless Nightmares out now

300 pages of horror themed poetic storytelliung

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100+ all new poems not shared here before.

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Peace, Love and Poetry 

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