Sunday 19 November 2023

A licence to write


A licence to write.

Killer lines, execute on sight.

A licence to make

audiences gasp in delight,

or squirm in their seats,

tears flooding their eyes.

A licence to excite

or put wrongs right.

A licence to use your pen

to fix a world

that often feels more than

a little bit broken.


A licence to let words flow,

feeling them erupt out

like rivers of lava

from an angry volcano.

We pick apart our lines,

to feel the way it sits in the mind,

To try to make it stick tightly,

a sticking plaster to fit every mood,

or at least some superglue to fix any

thoughts that have become broken

or just everso slightly unscrewed.


It isn't something we take lightly,

the pen so mighty,

it's something we caress,

harness close to our chests,

embrace in times of loneliness.

Feed it, nurture it, invest our love

We give our pen so much.

We open wounds to fill it with blood.

We cry on its nub, to sate its thirst.

We cling on tight, 

when the world is about to burst.

Then we scribble down

the resulting verse.





Thanks for reading

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every like helps me to keep doing what I love.
Peace, Love & Poetry 

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