Saturday 11 November 2023

Never forget


Let us remember

those who fought.

A battle cry. A stray bullet flies.

Remember the lives

lost in the blink of eye.

Let us remember poppy fields

grown from the blood

coating the lands.

Let us not forget

those told to fight,

nothing but kids. Peer pressured into the light.

Taught that fighting is the answer,

glory comes from the barrel of a gun.

Fire and fury. Is the way to a better world.,

these are the songs that are sung.


Let us remember

the innocent trying to hide

from the bombs. Ducking bullets,

dodging snipers eagle eyes.

Let us remember

the lives,

taken when hope walked away.

Let us not forget

those who pulled the strings.

Rulers, politicians and kngs.

Safe from the front lines.

They marched their young to die.

Another statistic in this war on life.


Let us remember

that war never stops,

Until you stop and talk.

Let us remember

that the wheels are always turning.

Those hateful fires always burning

in the heart shaped holes of greedy men.

Let us never forget

that the leaders let

us lay where blood wept,

let us sit where bullets rip.


Let us remember those long gone,

but let us not stop longing

for the war drums to stop going on.

Every life is a story unfulfilled,

a blank page where blood is spilled

and no ink writes the last chapters.

Let us remember those

still fighting on front lines.

Let's not close our eyes,

instead keep raising our voices.

Let us not forget the dead.

Don't ignore war crimes.

Genocide in our times.

Humanity has a duty to protect.

So, let’s stop the bombs from falling.

Stop the innocent slaughter.

Let's build a better world,

where love and peace,

win over hate and disrespect.




Thanks for reading

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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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