Saturday 4 November 2023

The epitome of hate


Evil stalks the corridors of power.

A disease, festering unopposed,

it breeds, feeding on people who cower.

It leeches on insecurity, on difference,

It needs a suitable host...

Home Secretary?


Hatred. A fetid stench

that poisons the very air

we breathe. Play the blame game.

Blame anyone and anything

except your own inadequacy.


Cause division. Split the crowds.

make people distrust each other.

Use the press, it’s what it's for,

tell lies to cause uproar,

instead of seeing you for what you are.

Peaceful protest - hatred

Homelessness - a lifestyle choice

People choose to die to the elements?!

Take away their tents,

blame it all on immigrants


The epitome of hate

Isn't people walking

peacefully to state

that atrocities are not okay.

Hate is defending

bombing hospitals,

ambulances, children.

Wanting to cage the migrants,

lock them away.

Hate is punishing people

for wanting to live in a world

of peace. Hate is a disease

and patient zero is sat in tory seats.


Hate is 

not batting an eye as

national front marches by,

but frothing at the mouth

when people of all religions and faiths

come together to march for peace.

Hate is a stain. It grows and grows.

It starts as a smallest blot

but before you know

it’s taken over your skin,

coated you from head to toe.


Maggie took milk from the

mouths of children

Boris called covid

Nature's way of dealing

with the old.

Now they want to steal tents

from the homeless,

and when they start

dying from exposure what then?

Claim its right,

at least the jobseekers

will have a job for life,

clearing the corpses,

treating people like rats.

I really hate

That this is the state

into which

this country is falling.



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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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