Monday 13 November 2023

The silencing of the hum


The hum, it seemed,

had ceased.

Does that mean that so too

had the unshaply beasts?

Was it now safe to walk

these midnight streets?

Knowing that you are not going

to end up on a dinner plate,

in a hall full of monsters

at some stately feast


But the hum had been

replaced by silence.

Not just quiet,

not just a lack of noise,

but a void with no sound at all.

A vacuum, like space.

If you screamed no one

would hear you call.

As soon as you breathe

the sound stops dead on your lips.

Step forward,

not a grain of gravel splits the silence,

Not a single rip in the heavy fabric of saturninity.

Just emptiness falling into infinity.


The hum, nothing but a forgotten sound

that warned when danger was around.

Now the silence has come.

There is nothing.

Nothing that can be done.

You can feel the lingering dread.

You feel the talon-like fingers

tearing your soul to shreds,

you know it is ripping the flesh from your head,

but you can't scream,

for the sound is buried deep inside.

The sound arrives

at your lips, 

then just bleeds into emptiness.

Not a single slip, not a drip.

Not a flicker of life in a candle wick.


The hum had gone, left us,

and taken the background noise with it.

Now just empty silence sits.

Heavy. Aching,

mind penetrating silence.

Climbing inside

and rewiring your thoughts,

until all you feel

is uncomfortable in your skin.

Then it starts to itch.

Making you scratch,

shedding layers,

to feed its invisible grin.


That is when

the menacing

laughter began.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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