Wednesday 22 November 2023

Centre stage


You take that stage,

Poised to speak,

tongue brushed

across dry unparted lips,

so that the words can slip.

Charged room, full of static.


Lightning crashes,

Shimmery light fades blue.

Blinded burning retinas,

swirl in and out of view.

The air zips

and surges through every muscle.

The room has dulled its hustle,

the lights have blown a fuse.

There is no one here, just me and you. Alone.


You are speaking

directly to me. Your words

so delicately teasing their way free

from the lips that imprisoned them.

Now they are out,

and drifting into my ears.

Taking a route direct

to my heart.

To become a part

making me whole again.


You let loose more word gunfire,

more rapid verbal flurries,

more perfectly punctuated

playful pieces of poetry.

They pour into every opening,

Then they sliver and ooze

through the internal tunnel system I use,

until they come to my brain

and they soothe.

Taking away

any discomfort or pain.


The mic so close to your lips,

I wish to be there instead of it.

Letting the heat of your words,

the beat of your heart.

Course through my body,

a synced rhythm in time.

Your eyes look directly into mine

and I know you are speaking to me alone.

There is no-one else here.

in this weird poetry twilight zone.




Thanks for reading

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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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