Tuesday 14 November 2023

Miss you


I miss you. These words

sit on my lips every day,

like how we used to sit watching the TV,

chatting the hours away.

Mostly me, cos it's hard

for anyone else to get a word in edgeways.

You were quiet, but so insightful,

you enlightened me, the way you thought

made me appreciate the world

and its storied views.

I don't think I ever gave you

credit for teaching me,

letting me open my eyes

to see the beauty.


I miss you.

and as another November ticks by

on the clockface of time,

I wish I could turn those hands back

to another space,

give the hours another set of chimes.

So, I could share in the world a little more.

You made me who I am deep in my core,

you gave me a voice and the urge to roar.

You made me who I am today,

with your wit and wordplay,

your brain always on fire.

Even if we only saw the spark

for those briefest of hours.


I miss you.

I'll never be able to express how much.

I always wanted you to see my worth,

the way I formed my own path on this earth.

I managed that because

you gave me the tools.

You made me appreciate things

I wish I'd have accepted in school.

You helped me look through the screen

instead of only seeing

the shimmery reflection

that sits upon its surface.

You made me pick up books,

and let me explore,

their hooks clawing in.

Giving me purpose.


I miss you. Every time my mind flips back

it's pages to that day, I wish

I could have done more.

Even just to tell you

that you were

my greatest teacher.

You never said too much,

just enough,

but your words became

a part of me.

The first droplets

of a now aching sea.




Thanks for reading

Today would have been my dads birthday,

so here are a few words.

Please follow the link for my books, 
videos and social media.
Every click, every book purchase, 
every like helps me to keep doing what I love.
Peace, Love & Poetry 

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