Saturday 29 June 2024

Clock chimes thirteen



Sometimes the day

doesn't end when

those idle hands

reach the promised land.

When they lock

their grasp tightly together

in a coupled nightly joining.

A confluence of timing

gathering to praise the moon,

before they part again.

Sometimes they are

praising too soon.

and time carries on,

in a peculiar pattern.


Sometimes the clock chimes 13 times.

The veil between worlds faintly shines,

splitting the universe in two.

Those haunted few pouring through

so, they can stagger these streets

on their ill-fitting borrowed feet.

It clicks with a creak, not a tick so to speak,

more like the lid of a coffin being tweaked.


The bells don't ring,

they chime with laughter.

Evil and menacing.

The pendulum doesn't swing,

it slices into the segmented hours,

cutting them into bite-sized chunks

hunks of meat, much easier to devour. 

The clock perseveres,

carries on, to welcome over the evil ones.

It doesn't tick or chime,the sound more severe,

it flitters across the grimacing face, 

severing the threads one by one, 

until time is erased and it stands alone,

with just its own sands of time for company

echoing a dull ringing in the ears perpetually.

Minutes can be hours,

seconds can last for eternity

Moments become mountains,

or untimely cosmic monstrosities.


The clock chimes 11, 12,

and we delve into the nighttime spell,

expecting silence to now dwell,

but that sound rings again. 13.

Only this time it screams in pain,

An echo from somewhere unseen

far away in the undercurrent

of an animal growl, it howls like wolves

asking the moon for guidance.

We could go into hiding.

Probably should,

because in this mysterious time

there is no good, just the slow rumble

of the clock spinning.

The seconds and minutes tumble

Whilst the hands stay

exactly where they are,

air thinning and hollow,

and the hours never seen to follow.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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