Sunday 30 June 2024

Nuclear winter sighs


Shadows burnt

across my fading vision.

As daylight became a blinding sky,

a rush of air

gusting through

every cobweb thought.

Grim images

of all the lives I used to be.

My past memories

forming queues.

Prompts sharing slim pickings

those mushrooming cues.

Pictures I didn't set fire to

in the blaze of my mind.

Pictures I never paid

enough attention to.

Showing me signs

of what was

about to blow through.


Walk the snowfall ash

in nuclear winter sighs

on these cold nuclear winter nights.

White speckles over

bloodstained sky.

A blizzard of all

that ever came to pass.

Heart collapsed,

atomic blast destroyed everything

in its path,

and I walked

on smouldering soles.

Feeling the turn of the world

in every staggered footfall.

All around

the buildings still burn.

Lost their souls. In the smoky ruins

of a sky now forever overcast.


This aftermath,

1 and 1 never add up.

The corruption divides

before multiplying the pain

of this nuclear rain.

Word's fallout

destroying everything.

I walk the dust fall pathways

ears ringing from the stinging words

that still sing their bomb blast

songs of misery.


Reminders blow through

the atomic winds in echoes.

Cursed chants of hatred,

scattered scraps

of yesterday

painted blood red,

before the bombs

reigned over us.

Our world blown

to kingdom come,

thoughts surplus to requirements,

thrones no longer fit for purpose.

Now just toxic radioactive scum.




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