Thursday 27 June 2024

Wndswept dunes


And now I've

only got tumbleweed

rolling through.

No memories to call out to.

no words to release, only

windswept dunes

where my

thoughts should be.

Rippling sandstorms

blowing free,

because my mind

sits empty.

Only thoughts

I'm thinking are of you.


I wanted to imagine

perfect landscapes,

but the only image I see baked

onto my mind’s eye,

is that smile,

swirling rose tinted lips,

floating by.


I wanted to delve

into deep thought,

but I was caught

by the locks of your hair.

So now my mind is zoned out,

counting the strands,


running my fingers

through them,

feeling the tingle on my hands.


See I was planning

on writing

something else entirely.

Probably something

about moonlight

being cast over a still sea,

but my mind is misfiring,

probably needs rewiring.


So now I can only

visualise your beauty

sat beside a campfire,

in a forest clearing.

Where we can sit

and watch stars,

as those stars watch us glow.

Feeling those embers rise,

as fires rage in our eyes

and the moon watches

on from above

passion burns in our kisses

down below.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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