Wednesday 26 June 2024

Closer to fine


Better to be a raising

racing heartbeat

than a floating flat line,

chasing the chance of a lifetime.

The hope of a lifeline.

Crying in the still atmosphere.

A silent prayer won't reach clouded ears

and a solemn tear held in deep

won’t touch a foggy heart.

Let it scream.

then together

we can weep,

and start to rebuild

any damage done.


Let your words ring

in harmony

with the stars.

They burn for us,

they know of pain.

Let them sing

their silent refrains,

to ease our own

stinging rains

when life is a flood

and it is surging our drains.


Let go.

Don’t hold

tightly to hurt.

Let your words flow.

Fearing those dreams

that visit nightly

won't make

them any less frightening.

So, face them

they may

prove to be enlightening.


Stop clinging

on to a still life,

a lie told

to keep you

marching in time.

Paint some


into the lines,

ride the motion

of those times,

and find a place

that's sat a little

closer to fine.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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