Friday 28 June 2024

dream saviour


The forest of night where moonlight rarely visits.

Just slight wisps, sifting light dust

between fear shaken leaves.

A little wooden shack. Old weary cracked.

Crumbling where rot

has gorged at the out of step footing.

Wood stack piled high.

A Jenga tower ready to collapse

and avalanche over the warped footsteps

that mill around. Footsteps of hooved feet.

Ready to attack.


One lone resident. Tossing and turning.

The air churning, bubbling with terror.

Nightmares seep in and out of reality.

Burning with insanity. Fear sweats

from tight frown. Duvet pulled tightly around.

Won't protect from the sleep demons that abound.

Across the forest. A gentle guitar strumming.

The man in leather, looks to the moon,

listening to an unheard sound.

A dark foreboding becoming true.

Senses that evil is coming and goes hunting.

Cutting down the nefarious nettles,

the buzzsaw brambles.

Battling through the brutal brush.

Grim undergrowth grabbing at him

to slow his urgent feet.

The watchman won't retreat.


Approaching the shack. The wood stack topples.

Firewood rumbles a storm

in the silent light of the moon.

Shadows loom, figures appear

from the inky gloom then disappear.

Circling with spiteful sneers.

The watchman spins, darts, and bounds,

strummed chords sound like death knells.

The demons flinch in eternal agony, sucked back into hell.

The door locked tight.

A kick, sends it flinching

into the darkness of night.

And he sees before him the beast.

The greatest of the dream thieves.

The being that other sleep demons fear.

Visions spin, wicked eyes leer.

He sees the being grin, an evil grin.

Then nightmares start to fill his brain.


He wakes, in a place

so far from home.

Far from hope. Where dreams fade

and nightmares take control.

He is in the demons lair. Deep in there.

In the grip of their fear inducing drugs,

Vision clouded; Skin coated in slugs.

But he has a secret.

This was his plan all along.

To get within their home.

Then unleash the true dream saviour upon them.

The one that visits in dreams, the woman that lives

up on the moonbeams beside midnight streams.




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