Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Tomorrow is forever away


Tomorrow is forever away,

let's live in the now, worry less

about where we will be

when times winds slowly coalesce.

Tomorrow will always

be there tomorrow,

and yesterday

will always follow,

lagging behind,

but now my dear.

Now is sometime

that is truly sublime.


We will always

be in the now,

that is the only truth.


is a faded memory,

distorted and abused.

Tomorrow will always sit

just outside of our view.

But now.

Now I get to spend

this infinity with you.


We can make plans,

for what may come,

but tomorrow will

always be on the run,

it will already be up

at the final rung,

whilst we are wherever we are,

making our lives more fun,

and yesterday will languish behind,

basking in the warmth.

Remembering its day in the sun,

talking about how

when it was now,

everything was

less glum.



Tomorrow never shows

whilst yesterday

just sits in echoes.

Our only reality is now

Let's make now special somehow.

Make this reality count.

Because forever

is but a blip on the map of time

and that is not nearly long enough

to share your heart

so warm and divine.




Thanks for reading.

taken from the #escapril prompt



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Peace, Love & Poetry 


Through grim countryside


Boarded the train, Departing from deserted

Station in the dark fearful rain.

'A seat by a window please'

He whispers to his own insanity.

A table to place my strained

sense of humanity.

A cup of tea, to remind me

of loves heat on my cold lips.

Love he had lost 

like a newspaper left on a station seat


Not today, he whispers internally.

As the man sits opposite.

Lights blinking through

the otherwise empty carriage.

"Ahh young man, it's a cold dark night.

Savage, ravaging the bones.

Would you be shivering

in doubt, anger or fear, perhaps?

It's okay. I'm just here to share the journey,

helps time elapse.

I wonder do you have any regrets?"

'Lots' his voice slipped

as he sipped his hot tea.


The flickering light made shadow fingers grasp

gloomily over the surfaces.

'Decorative' he thinks.

Blinks and returns to his warm drink.

'Is the journey long?' He asks the man.

"They say it is endless, but I've been here

many times, and it always seems the same.

You are just getting comfy, and then 

the destination looms from the wretched rain.

Are you in any pain?"

'Why would I be?' I ask,

not really wanting an answer to why.

A tear drops,

falling from his eye


The carriage trundles through grim countryside.

sleepily seeing his reflection smearing the windows,

gold lined with silk cloth curtains,

he thinks he sees forever unwind,

or was it just lightning

blaring across the night sky.

"When we get there

I will guide you the way to go"

The man spoke, the words

didn't make much sense,

how did he know

where I was going?


A tunnel. Darkness.

Flickering shadows.

Gasps, echoes.


Tears, screams.

"It's coming back to you now.

The fear, pain and anger will subside,

just a part of this journey we ride"

The light broke through,

and he saw the man. Truly saw him.

The bony physique, the pale face

with eyes sunk too deep,

the scythe hanging just beside

The last memory I had...

That last leap to the other side.




Thanks for reading

Please take a few moments 

to check out my new book "Poetic Outlaw"

available from Amazon


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Peace, Love & Poetry 




The life

of a Leicester fan

can feel like

riding a roaring

roller coaster,

careening across

rickety uneven tracks.

With gaps missing,


ready to collapse.


but also




We have moments

where we look around

and see the world

from on high.

Against all odds

we start to soar

through the air

like flying

in a golden

winged carriage,

not a care,

for we know we will land

when guided by

the blue painted sky

and its mystical hands.


We have lows,

where the carriage

comes just a little too close

to the on rushing ground.

With the cold winds of life

buffeting the cars around.

There has

been tragedy,

loss, when

the carriages

were taken

off course.


But through

it all there have

been songs

playing along.

Urging the carriage

to even greater heights.

To fly close to the sun.

Twin stars. Beating as one.

To push faster, closer

to that painted blue sky.

Where we get to sing

I'm Leicester til I die.




Thanks for reading

Please take a few moments 

to check out my new book "Poetic Outlaw"

available from Amazon


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