Tomorrow is forever away,
let's live in the now, worry less
about where we will be
when times winds slowly coalesce.
Tomorrow will always
be there tomorrow,
and yesterday
will always follow,
lagging behind,
but now my dear.
Now is sometime
that is truly sublime.
We will always
be in the now,
that is the only truth.
is a faded memory,
distorted and abused.
Tomorrow will always sit
just outside of our view.
But now.
Now I get to spend
this infinity with you.
We can make plans,
for what may come,
but tomorrow will
always be on the run,
it will already be up
at the final rung,
whilst we are wherever we are,
making our lives more fun,
and yesterday will languish behind,
basking in the warmth.
Remembering its day in the sun,
talking about how
when it was now,
everything was
less glum.
Tomorrow never shows
whilst yesterday
just sits in echoes.
Our only reality is now
Let's make now special somehow.
Make this reality count.
Because forever
is but a blip on the map of time
and that is not nearly long enough
to share your heart
so warm and divine.
Thanks for reading.
taken from the #escapril prompt
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