Wednesday 3 April 2024

Those three syllables


I couldn't find the words,

those three syllables

wouldn't slip

from trembling, terrified lips.

So, I tried to find alternatives,

but none of them conveyed

my feelings.

The deepest ocean

couldn't hold the

depth of meaning.

So instead, I said nothing.

Watched you walk away,

bowing my head,

vowing I'd say them another day.


I could sit for eternity

and those words

wouldn't form

on scarred, cracked lips.

So, I tried to reach inside,

breaching my defensive walls.

Tearing apart

the ruptures, the splits and gaps.

Bits of old defences land,

but walls are built to withstand.

Needed to find

another way to portray

these word I couldn't say.

I tried picturing galaxies,

but all I saw was you.

So how I could I describe

how you are such a celestial view,

when I couldn't see deep into the blue

only beauty blinding my vision askew.

So, I said nothing instead.

Watching you walk under the stars,

The moon lighting your path ahead.


I tried to prise those words from deep

but they have become so tightly locked,

In a box with no key.

No way at all

to free those words,

to unlock the padlock,

to uncage

those silent songbirds.

I tried to pray for rain,

to weather down

my defensive shell,

but the spell you cast on me

had me praying in vain. So lost was I

that the incantation wouldn't arrive.

I could only see your eyes,

leaving me tongue tied 

and the spell tantalisingly 

tingling my lips.

So, I said nothing,

keeping it all inside

as you walked into the night,

never to stand by my side.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 



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