Tuesday 10 September 2024

A light drizzle


Don't get me wrong,

I love rainy days.

There is nothing better

than sitting in a warm study,

watching lightning ripping a hole

in the dark grey, storm cloud skies.

As the steam from your scalding cocoa

rises across reminiscent eyes.

Misting the view, to give foggy screens

to see your memories through.


I love the way

lightning tips the balance

from night to day, from dark to light

then back again in the blink of an eye,

like a child flicking the light switch.

On and off. On and off.

The way the flowers sway,

looking for cover, then realising they

are stuck in place,

dripping from their petal umbrellas.


But this isn't that sort of rain.

This is fluid hate.

It brings pain, in trickles.

It can seem so innocuous,

almost  like paper cuts,

It starts feeling like tickles.

Before you realise...

It is eating away at your flesh.

Devouring your will to live.


A downpour

that eyes can barely see,

it's so sneaky, almost just misty.

But the air is full of this liquid misery.

It deceives you into thinking

it's just a fine rain drizzle

Before dousing you,

in what can only be

described as hellfire sizzle.


In this hellish downpour

the combined oceans soar

overhead. Riverbeds must lay naked,

seas sit emptied, as it all seems

to be flooding directly overhead,

and then directly into your face.

A cold embrace with an angry mace.

Slumped like a drowned rat,

now floating lifeless on the surface.

Flowers drowning, but still, it doesn't cease.

Bloated flora becomes obese,

they can't take much more.

The sound of stems creaking in the breeze.



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"Tales from the 44A" and "Stations
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Peace, Love & Poetry

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