Sunday 15 September 2024

Background scenery


Teenagers hang in their palace,

Big Macs and McFlurry highs.

Golden arch towers. glow across eyes.

Like a youthful rite of passage.

We all did this. our first escapes 

from childood to adultness.

But when did this 

become so different?

Back then we were loud,

but we kept ourselves

to our own little crowds.

We didn't prowl around

like we were there to terrorise.

We didn't try to insill

fear into other people's lives.


We were just 

the background scenery,

not the main stars in

some unfinished balladry.

We were background

images painted

across the stage of life.

Not the fallen lives, 

cut down by flick knives

in some long forgotten 

Shakespearean tragedy.


All we wanted 

was to have fun.

Find others to share it with.

Explore the gifts,

a world of glass fronted lifts,

searching those marble tiles 

for a stolen kiss

and a moment of bliss.

The most pain we would feel...

The shame of losing a game

of laser quest, or the teenage heartbreak

when unrequited eyes don't connect.


Our weapons of choice,

straws from McDonald’s.

Plenty of chewed up paper.

That we fired upon each other

in moments of boredom.

Never anything heavier,

never anything that would

make blood run. Never anything

that would cause tears for anyone.


What happened to

the innocence of youth?

Where did it get lost?

And can it be found again?

When did we become

so territorial, so angry, so nasty?

Was it maybe when they

started to tell us 

that everyone was enemy?

Was it when they started 

to take our futures away?

Or was it when they closed down

our places to explore imagination and play?



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"Tales from the 44A" and "Stations
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it would really help me
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Peace, Love & Poetry

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